Sunday, September 6, 2015

Top 10 Lessons (Frozen)

Here I am, watching the famous Disney movie, Frozen — in 2015, where probably all the people in the universe have already memorized the song Let it Go and Do You Wanna Build a Snowman.

Can't help but laugh-fart (yeah, the moment where you simultaneously laugh AND fart) at the crazy lessons that I made up in my mind from the movie. So to commemorate this grandeur movie, I think I'll post a gag portion on every fun movie I watch. For Frozen, here goes nothing! (even if it isn't funny, please force a laugh out of these, have mercy on my soul)

1) Trick a girl into kissing you then don't kiss her, because evil deeds are more important than kissing a hot,young sister of a queen(who is also hot). Dumb

2) Selling ice will lead you to a hot girl.

 3) Eat nothing but carrots. Because chicks dig carrots.

4) Provoke an angry abominable snow/ice monster so you can get a free date with a hot girl.

5) Don't be jealous if your younger sister gets married first.

6) Always bring  a makeup, lipstick and girly shenanigans when you exile yourself in your ice castle—so that you'll look beautiful—to NOBODY because no one lives in a frikkin' ice castle up the snowy and blizzard-y mountains.

7) Buy a sled, chicks love sleds.

8) Hit your sister with an ice bolt, because throwing a snowball is too mainstream. 

9) Talk to trolls. They WILL DEFINITELY help you. 

10) Marry the guy/girl you just met.

And to bid you guys farewell, here are my bonus bastardized snapshots for you to laugh-fart at.

Hope you enjoy! Until next time!

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